Pure Tulsi Honey

Our pure Tulsi Honey is 100% raw and natural, pesticides free. We have carefully picked the finest Tulsi (holy basil) flowers, allowing bees to extract nectar from them. Because of this our Honey completely maintains its herbal and medicinal

Benefits of using our Pure Tulsi Honey product

  • This product of ours is full of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which help your body to fight against infections
  • Its medicinal and herbal properties boost our immunity system and give us the strength to fight diseases.
  • This honey is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which protect our body from the risk of heart as well as reduce inflammatory bowel conditions.
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  • Anyone who is suffering from a cold and cough can use this product. By consuming it regularly, our respiratory system remains healthy
  • The phytochemicals present in this flavored honey have potent antioxidant properties.This protects our body from liver, skin, and lung cancer.
  • Product Description

    Giri Raj Agro & Honey Products, being a valuable and FSSAI-certified brand, is committed to maintaining the purity of our flavored honey and its medicinal and herbal properties. Tulsi has been described as a boon herb in Ayurveda because it has numerous benefits. Tulsi has been described as a boon herb in Ayurveda because it has numerous benefits. And when it is used in the form of Tulsi Honey, its quality enriches even more. We do not add any kind of preservatives or extra flavors to it which reduces its quality. This product of ours is NMR tested.