Pure Sesame Honey

This unique honey offers you a delectable taste with the natural sweetness of honey and the distinctive nuttiness of sesame seeds. Its velvety smooth texture spreads its fragrance easily. Which reflects its various culinary uses and purity. This product of ours is NMR tested.

Benefits of using our Pure Sesame Honey product

  • Many vitamin B complexes, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and essential minerals are found in abundance in this honey. Its daily usage keeps our bodies fit and healthy.
  • Constipation is reduced with its regular use, and the immunity system is strengthened. Which gives our body the power to fight against various diseases
  • Its use provides relief for abdominal cramps during menstruation. It reduces the pain by reducing the swelling of the uterine walls
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  • The antioxidants present in this product of ours improve the blood flow in our brains. Due to this the memory and cognition capacity of our brain increases.
  • Due to the abundance of protein and calcium, it effectively strengthens the bones.
  • Product Description

    At Giri Raj Agro and Honey Products, our professional farmers and beekeepers carefully produce this honey using the finest sesame seeds. During this entire process, we do not add any preservatives or pesticides. That is why its natural quality and medicinal properties are not damaged. The high content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in sesame seeds when blended with honey creates a powerhouse of health benefits for our body. From supporting overall well-being to boosting energy levels, this honey is a nutritious addition to your daily diet.