Pure Ginger Honey

This product is made by infusing premium quality honey with the essence of fresh ginger. This exceptional product brings together the nutritional benefits of both ingredients in one jar. Consuming it is a savory treat for your taste buds and a true pleasure for your health. This product of ours is NMR tested.

Benefits of using our Pure ginger Honey product:

  • This unique combination of honey and ginger works to cure the side effects of chemotherapy like nausea and vomiting.
  • Due to the abundance of antioxidant enzymes present in it, it reduces the growth of cancer cells.
  • The compounds present in ginger improve blood circulation and also lower blood pressure. Along with this, this honey reduces the tension in the blood vessels, which reduces the chances of heart disease.
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  • This pure honey of ours acts as a detoxifier. It improves body functions by flushing out toxins from the vital organs of the body.
  • It is very effective in respiratory diseases. If this honey is used with cinnamon or black pepper, it gives instant relief for conditions like cough, cold and sore throat, asthma, etc.
  • Product Description

    Today’s adulterated world has made even a healthy and beneficial product like honey harmful. Because now honey products are being sold in the market which is completely highly processed with heat and filtration. It destroys the healthy and beneficial properties of honey. That’s why we provide unprocessed and natural honey to maintain your health and the natural quality of honey which is directly extracted from the hive without any heat and filtration. This product of ours is NMR tested.